For Mayor
4 Years ago, before Pauline stepped into office:
A Downward Spiral
Penn Hills was on a downward spiral, dipping into the fund balance, headed toward an increase in taxes, cuts in services, and bankruptcy seemed inevitable.
Public Safety
Inadequate staffing of the police department, outdated equipment in various departments, and overtime costs that were through the roof.
Some members of council were looking into selling the sewer system to a private, for-profit company to meet debt obligations and were investigating privatizing other services, which would raise the cost of services and would break the backs of our taxpayers.
NOW – With Pauline at the Helm:
She tripled the Fund Balance to $10 million, increasing our Standard & Poor’s rating to A+, with S&P stating, “Penn Hills is very strong in our view.” A balanced budget every year of her tenure, with no cuts in services and NO increase in taxes.
She invested over $7 million, including matching grants, to pave our roads and improve our infrastructure.
Public Safety
She enhanced Public Safety with an increase in police, having sworn in 10 new police officers in January, reflecting an increase in minority and women police officers. Another class of officers will be added this Spring.
We are participating in a pilot program which add a mental health component to our services, with the officer making the call for mental health treatment if it is deemed more appropriate than arrest.
New vehicles and modern equipment have been added to our Police and EMS departments, with an increase in funding for our Fire Departments.
She has built relationships and worked cooperatively with federal, state, and county officials to obtain the funding and resources needed for our residents, as well as forming partnerships with non-profits and foundations to achieve the goals she has set for all of our residents - from our children to our seniors.
OUR FUTURE – Progressively Moving Toward Achieving Goals
Marketing Penn Hills
From day one, Pauline began to undertake a major advertising campaign to promote Penn Hills throughout the region. She has been working tirelessly on public relations and marketing. She has met with UPMC and other large employers in the region.
In the Fall of 2022, at no cost to residents, Pauline brought in a professional production company to showcase the attributes of Penn Hills. The attraction of new residents will attract new businesses and broaden our tax base.
Reducing Crime
Pauline will continue to collaborate with local and regional leaders to combat gun violence and crime. She has joined forces with current and former members of organizations such as the NAACP, Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission and youth social service organizations, as well as leaders of the faith community.
Under Pauline, our parks, playgrounds and community centers are being made safer, ADA compliant and accessible for all.
New Development
Pauline will continue to work with developers to include affordable housing and senior living space, as well as other new housing and business opportunities.
She will continue to enhance our entrance ways, where she has been working with the Shade Tree Commission, TreeVitalize Pittsburgh, Western Pennsylvania Conservancy, Allegheny River Boulevard Preservation Association, and other groups dedicated to improving the lives of our residents.
She has been exploring clean energy and investigating grant opportunities for charging stations.
Pauline comes by her passion for public service naturally - her mom was an Army nurse and her father, who served in the Navy, went on to become a Pittsburgh Firefighter and retired as a Battalion Chief.
Pauline, an attorney, won the Legal Excellence Award for Pro Bono Service in 2018. She has lived in Penn Hills for over 24 years, where she and her husband, Nick, an Army veteran and also an attorney, have raised their five children.