Our Mission
The Penn Hills Democratic Committee is part of the Allegheny County Democratic Committee. We are committed to a business-like approach to the political process, especially as it relates to campaigning and to the success of our candidates.
In order to accomplish this objective, we strive to equip our candidates and Democratic Committee Members with the training and technology necessary to compete in today’s high-tech environment.
Our Party is the Party of diversity and inclusion; therefore, our doors are open to anyone who will work with us for Democratic victories at all levels of government.
The men and women who represent the Penn Hills Democratic Committee work hard year around, in communities, government, and local organizations to build support for our candidates and the Democratic Agenda to benefit all American families.
What We Do
The Democratic Party is committed to keeping our nation safe and expanding opportunity for every American. That commitment is reflected in an agenda that emphasizes strong economic growth, affordable health care for all Americans, retirement security, open, honest and accountable government, and securing our nation while protecting our civil rights and liberties.
Committee Members are publicly elected officials who are chosen by Democratic voters at the polls.
Lyon Anthony Zeibak, Chair
Wynona Harper, Vice-Chair
Betty Arenth, Secretary
Ian Cartwright, Treasurer
Your District
There are 50 districts in Penn Hills, each district is represented by 1 Male and 1 Female Committee Member. Committee Members are elected every 4 years. If a seat is vacant, the committee Chair can move to appoint someone to fill the vacancy. You have to live in the district to represent it. You can find out what Ward and District you are by using the map below. In Layers, choose "Allegheny County Voting District Boundaries Ward District Labels" then scroll to Penn Hills. Type your address in to see what district you are in. To find out who your Committee Members are or inquire about a possible vacancy just contact us.